
Megan J. Arlett

He comes to you in the night
Like all your other secret
desires. With antlers,
the Spanish moss trailing
from them in wisps
and whispers.
You think
he must’ve walked for miles
through the forest
just to wake you.
His eyes crusted,
in their corners. Raw.
Singing “J’ai Traverse La Mer
Et Les Montagnes,”
playing a fiddle stomp
with his nails.
He reaches out
for you to see
his fingerprints
soft and waterlogged.
He loves you
like nobody
ever loved you before


Author Bio

Megan J. Arlett was born in the UK, grew up in Spain, and now lives in Texas where she is pursuing her PhD. The recipient of two Academy of American Poets Prizes, her work has appeared in Best New Poets 2019, Best New British and Irish Poets, The Kenyon Review, Ninth Letter, Passages North, Prairie Schooner, and Third Coast.